terça-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2018

Brasil, Potência Petrolífera Emergente (Baywatch, from Décio Oddone)

Feb 23, 2018 - Baywatch

Brazil’s Coming Oil Boom Will Weigh On Oil Prices. After years of mismanagement, there are signs that Brazil’s oil sector is about to change, and the world is on the cusp of witnessing the emergence of a Latin American petroleum superpower. A combination of reforms, including a formalized bidding process, relaxed local content rules, and the elimination of Petrobras’ exclusive rights to operate in the pre-salt area have made it far more appealing for foreign oil companies to invest in Brazil’s energy sector. This, in conjunction with firmer oil prices, falling lifting costs, and high demand for the commercially appealing light sweet crude produced from the pre-salt area has stimulated considerable interest among foreign businesses.

@cep85 @petróleo

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